October BBQ

Is it mid October already?

October 17, 2023

Hello Everyone,

Here are a few things to share.  These items will also be included in our newsletter.  FYI, there is a new link on our website for our newsletters.  It's also worth checking out the calendar on the website for upcoming events and important dates.  As mentioned at the beginning of the year, we're trying to make our website the one-stop shop for school information.  We will, however, continue to email our newsletters and occasionally send home paper notices for important announcements as well.

Remembrance Day:

With Remembrance Day around the corner, we’re looking for local connections to war veterans.  If you have a photo, a letter, or some other information about a family member who fought in the war, we would love to honour them or share a short story or show a slide at our assembly on November 9th. Please submit photos or artifacts to Mr. Morrow by email or stop by the office. We’d be happy to scan or copy things you may be interested in sharing so you don’t have to leave your items at the school.  We’d love to hear from you.

Healthy Lunches:

Food is such an important part of your child’s day.  A range of whole foods helps your child with their learning and emotional regulation.  At times, we’re noticing a number of children not having enough food in their lunch.  Please ask your child if they need a bit more food in their lunch to get them through the day.  If your child is on the district lunch program, please remember to provide them with a large enough snack to get them through the morning.


Students are invited to wear costumes to school on October 31st.  Please be mindful that we will be continuing with our normal activities like going out for recess and lunch so be sure that your child comes with appropriate clothing to wear over their costume.  Also, please send them to school with their costumes completed should they decide to wear one.  Staff will not be able to assist with applying make-up or costumes.

  • Costume Parade:   We will be having a costume parade in the morning to show off all of the creative and interesting costumes. Please keep in mind that costumes should be culturally respectful, age-appropriate and free from replica weapons etc.  Masks will be removed during instructional time but may be worn during the costume parade.  Please discuss this with your child before coming to school on the 31st
  • Dance:  We will be having a dance at lunch for grades 4-7 and a dance will be hosted in the gym for the K-3 classes.
  • Candy: Please limit the candy and treats that come to school to one item in the days and weeks following Halloween.  

Class photos:  

Individual school photos for students are quickly approaching.  The photographer will be here on October 24th.  Within a week or two of having the photos taken, the photographer will provide us with a proof and order form which will be sent home to families.  No forms will be sent home before the photos are taken.

Parent Conferences/Early dismissal

You should have already received a notice from your child’s teacher(s) regarding scheduling an appointment to come into your child’s class for an interview or conference.  The purpose of these informal progress reports is to have a glimpse into your child’s learning. Different teachers will be offering different types of meetings, ranging from student-led conferences to private one-on-one meetings between the teacher and parents. On these days, students will be dismissed 3 hours early (11:38). Buses will be running at dismissal to transport your child to their regular bus stops. If you are unable to attend during one of the time slots provided by the teacher, please indicate that you would like to meet at another time.


  • Ms. Thew’s class and Ms. McCart’s class teamed up for science and some learning about simple machines and force.
  • Our community walk past the Lhtako Band office to honour survivors on Orange Shirt Day was well received. We heard lots of honks in support and saw many smiles and waves.
  • Our first family BBQ in a while was well-attended
  • Buddy classes:  Each of our classes is paired up with another class.  Most buddy groups have regular connections related to reading, outdoor activities and more.
  • Groups and clubs:  We currently have many things on the go at the school.  Many staff have volunteered to run a club at lunch and we’re looking to start some after school.  More clubs are expected to start up again when the weather is colder like Lego Club and Chess club.  These activities bring kids of many ages together.
    • Japanese Club
    • Comic Club
    • Drama Club
    • Choir
    • Volleyball
    • Floor hockey
    • Intramural soccer